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Attention All Majors- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Seeks PAID Interns


THE CENTERS FOR MEDICARE AND MEDICAID SERVICES (http://www.cms.hhs.gov/) HAS SEVERAL NEW PAID FALL 2010 INTERN OPENINGS FOR CURRENT STUDENTS FROM VARIOUS MAJORS WITH A 2.5 GPA OR ABOVE. These intern positions are part of a partnership created between CMS and the Erickson School of Aging at UMBC. However, you do not need to be enrolled in the Erickson School to apply.

These positions start in September/October 2010. All positions require US Citizenship, a 2.5 GPA, 15 to 20 hours of intern work for 15 weeks, and pay from GS-4 ($14.59 per hour) to GS-9 ($24.74 per hour).

ALL positions are located on Security Blvd in Baltimore/Woodlawn, MD (ten minutes from campus).

BELOW YOU WILL FIND INFORMATION ON HOW TO APPLY. Please note that you are not required to be enrolled in the Erickson School, but are required to be attending UMBC in the fall. The position announcement closes on August 30th. Therefore, APPLY TODAY.

Sample majors in demand include: Aging Services, HAPP, Political Science, Public Policy, Sociology, Economics/FIEC, Statistics/Math, Psychology, Sociology, Communications, ISD, Biological Sciences, English, etc.

The Student Intern announcement will close on Monday, August 30th at 11:59PM.

The vacancy announcements is visible via the following URL: https://jobs1.quickhire.com/scripts/hhs-elp.exe

In order to view the announcement, students will have to select the "Just Browsing" link and then the "Public Non-Status Positions" button. A list of open HHS Careers vacancy announcements will appear and students will have to scroll down the page to locate the GS-303-4/5, Student Intern, CMS-FSIP-2010-0016 AND GS-301-7/9, Student Intern, CMS-FSIP-2010-0017 announcements from the list of available announcements. The students must select the "View" button next to the announcement in order to view the details and apply to the position.

Once in the vacancy view page, a student can view the vacancy text and select the "Apply to the Vacancy" button at the bottom of the screen. If the student does not already have an HHS Careers account, he/she will be re-directed to the HHS Careers homepage and will have to create an account before applying to the position. If the student already has an HHS Careers account, he/she can login and will be direct to the selected vacancy announcement.

Please use the following PASSWORD as part of the application process: CMSRECRUIT2010

If you have any QUESTIONS about this intern announcement, please connect with Christine Routzahn, Director of Internships, via The Shriver Center at UMBC at routzahn@umbc.edu

Join the team that helps ensure health care security for millions of Americans. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) works in partnership with the entire health care community to improve quality and efficiency in an evolving health care system and provides leadership in the broader health care marketplace. Our effectiveness depends on the capabilities of a dedicated, professional staff who is committed to supporting these objectives.

CMS is the Federal agency that administers the Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance Programs. The purpose of the Student Internship Program is to enhance students' knowledge about CMS programs, mission, vision and goals. Additionally, the program seeks to familiarize participants about Federal, State, and local health care programs serving underserved and uninsured populations.

NOTE: If you are selected and accept one of the CMS intern positions, you will be required to enroll in the Shriver Center's internship practicum, which provides a notation on your transcript that you are completing a university sanctioned internship. This is not a course and does not provide credit. We will simply ask that you complete some minor requirements such as evaluations. However, if you are interested in also obtaining credit and this is available within your major, we will work with you and your department to see if this is feasible for fall 2010.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 13, 2010 3:07 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Obtain a GREAT PAID IT Intern Opportunity this Fall with the CMS.

The next post in this blog is PAID Financial Industry Internships at Legg Mason!.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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