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JamieUMBC Joins The MyUMBC Development Team!


The MyUMBC team is Collier Jones, Bradley Tinney, Billy Schneider, Kevin Somers, and now - me!

As many of you know, I'm fortunate enough to be a staffer at UMBC's Department of Information Technology. And many of the folks at DoIT know that I like to write stuff, as evidenced by this blog. Now, in a wonderful synergy of two things that I love (technology and writing), I have been asked to assist the awesome team that works behind the scenes to make the magic that is MyUMBC.

Now, if you remember an earlier post of mine, you know that I'm not nearly smart enough to do what the MyUMBC team does on a daily basis. Fortunately, I'm not being asked to do any of the heavy lifting (read: coding). What I'll be doing is writing about all of the nifty and useful things that are happening with MyUMBC, and helping the UMBC community to get the most out of the great tools they'll find there. It sounds like I'll be having a lot of fun, and I'm really looking forward to it.

Last week I had my first meeting with team leader and coder extraordinaire Collier Jones, and as he gave my a quick tour around the beta version of MyUMBC, I just couldn't believe how great it looked. The Events area, for example, is designed with many clever tools and yet is is so easy to use, I find it hard to imagine how much work must have gone into making it happen. If you'd like to have a look yourself, here it is. Or, you can just admire this screenshot:


So now I get to both enjoy our new tech tools and write about them, too.


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