E-Teacher Workshop Overview


The purpose of the E-Teacher Professional Development Workshop is to enhance participants' understanding of TESOL methodology and introduce them to innovative best practices for teaching English as an international language. This, in turn, will lead to the development and implementation of ongoing effective EFL training programs in participants' home countries following the Workshop.


By the end of this 3-week summer program, the 26 educators-all from different countries-will have further:

  • deepened their understanding of current ELT methods and techniques;
  • improved their skills to conduct professional presentations and workshops in English;
  • developed leadership skills that will enable them to share knowledge gained in the program with colleagues through workshops or professional presentations in their home countries;
  • enhanced their understanding of the U.S. and international cultures through their professional interactions between U.S. and other foreign EFL educators; and
  • developed a professional development plan, including an an assessment component with measureable objectives, for the dissemination of best practices which are uniquely suited to each participant's local EFL context.



participant 1Faisal, Jordan
"I was a dead teacher...now I'm back to life teaching English with fun!"
read more >
participant 2Elsa, Cape Verde
"The cross cultural experience...was fantastic and unforgettable!"
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US State Department University of Oregon UMBC