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What is Special Collections?

The Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery Special Collections includes items that are rare and fragile, including rare books, artist books, photographs, original artwork, artifacts, organizational records, science archives, personal papers, historical newspapers, and literary manuscripts. Many of these materials cannot be found elsewhere. Also held in the Special Collections department are some exciting popular culture collections such as comic books, fanzines, science fiction and fantasy pulps, alternative and radical literary publications, and a large collection of historic camera formats. Summaries of our holdings can be found on the Special Collections website: http://aok.lib.umbc.edu/specoll; we will also be highlighting our collections, new acquisitions, and particularly interesting items on this blog, so stay tuned!

Special Collections staff are available to answer your questions at (410) 455-2353, speccoll@umbc.edu, or in the Special Collections reading room on the first floor of the library (through the Gallery). We are open during the fall and spring semesters Monday-Friday 1-4pm, and Thursday 1-8pm; appointments at other times are always welcome.