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Volunteer Research Assistantship at NIH

The Clinical Molecular Profiling Core (CMPC), a new and strongly supported collaborative laboratory in the Genetics Branch of the Center for Cancer Research (NCI), is seeking interns with an interest in cancer diagnostics and molecular profiling. Students would be involved in carrying out the CMPC’s mission, which is to develop and implement state of the art genomic technologies to maximize the clinical benefits and biological insights derived from the analysis of human biospecimens obtained from National Cancer Institute clinical trials. Specifically for this internship, significant effort would be devoted to technical development projects and/or participation in testing for clinical trial studies using any one of many cutting-edge molecular platforms (Agilent, Illumina, Affymetrics, ABI, Beckman, Luminex, Solexa).

Qualifications: At least sophomore standing, GPA > 3.5, molecular biology experience, ability to work independently after training, shows initiative, would have to accept special volunteer status – non-salaried position.

To apply, visit UMBCworks and search for position 9235041.

For more information on this or other Life Science internships, contact Kerry Kidwell-Slak in The Shriver Center at kerryk@umbc.edu.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 14, 2009 8:40 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Tresys Technology Seeks CMSC and Computer Engineering Interns.

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