UMBC Wellness in the Workplace

« UMBC’s Valentine to faculty and staff is a new website focused on wellness in the workplace. | | March 2009: Listen deeply before offering a response. »

Michelle Flinchbaugh

Until I was diagnosed with an under-active thyroid, my weight ballooned out-of-control. As my dose of Synthroid increased, I discovered that I love the feeling of physically moving and began hiking and weightlifting and then eating healthfully to support my physical hobbies. I've lost 75 pounds and reduced my high cholesterol and borderline high blood pressure to very low. UMBC has been a partner in my success, as I could not have done all of this without the presence of the RAC, a flexible work schedule, and generous leave. The sense of strength, capability, and self-confidence I've gained from these physical activities carries over to my work and other aspects of my life, allowing me to be more courageous and accept more challenges.

Michelle Flinchbaugh
Acquisitions Librarian