UMBC Wellness in the Workplace

« August 2012: Receiving Constructive Feedback Practice #2 - “Change your body language and receive constructive feedback with anticipation” | | Imaging Research Center (IRC) »

September 2012: Receiving Constructive Feedback Practice #3 - “Change the conversation and receive constructive feedback with anticipation”

So far, we have talked about how to shift our vantage point and our body language around receiving constructive feedback. Now, let’s look at different ways to have the conversation itself. After you hear what your partner has to say, thank them and then ask clarifying open-ended questions to ensure you understand and have examples of the behavior. Make sure that you pay attention to your tone and remember that feedback is a gift. By engaging in this conversation in an open and truly curious way, you build trust with your partner and create a safe space in which to engage now and in the future.

See the attached worksheet with some sample questions to ask. Try some of these or invent your own open-ended, curious questions. Employ them in your next conversation where you receive constructive feedback and notice any positive shifts that occur as a result.

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