
Digital Signage - A Tool in Education - Daly - 2.18.15

With the “new” economy continuing to loom large it behooves us more than ever before to understand exactly what we are committing to when we invest our time and hard earned dollars in a project. Nowhere is this more of a truism than digital signage in the niche we all know as the education market. This seminar examines conventional wisdom and how it often relegates digital signage in education to a flat panel at the reception desk or for the more "creative" types a flat panel outside the auditorium, gym or perhaps inside the cafeteria. This course counters conventional wisdom and takes digital signage in education to a new, more evolved level with uses inside the classroom as well. It introduces Smart School technologies and how these can work to solve some of the problems we face in our overcrowded classrooms today.
Learning objectives:
Learn to think beyond conventional wisdom.
Learn what digital signage can do beyond an animated version of a static signage.
Learn how Smart School technologies can solve so many educational hurdles facing us today.

*Length of course: 1 hour

Register by Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Posted by Tamara Petronka on February 13, 2015 10:10 AM |

1450 South Rolling Road
Baltimore, MD 21227
Phone: 410.455.5617
Fax: 410.455.5600